Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Have You Eaten Your Frog Today?

EWWWW sounds gross aye?Well I thought that as well when I first saw my email.Couldnt resist looking of course coz I am a natural born sticky beak (that is nosey, apparenty sticky beak is what us Aussies say)
Anyway once I read what it meant I got the idea and its so true.
Your frog and my frog that should be eaten first in the day is...................

that job/chore thats on your list the one you hate the most the one you procrastinate over the longest.Its the one you know will bug you till its done.

My frog today was waxing my legs doesn't really hurt but takes a bit of effort to get around to doing it but man does it feel good when you are done.

I can then move on to the smaller frog (more a toad really) is usually my housework.A friendrecently told me that a "Clean house is a sign of a broken Computer".So now you know what my house looks like lol just dont tell my husband or my computer might have an accident
But its such a thankless task especially when you have little children running around.Well thats my excuse and I am sticking to it.

My 3rd frog was getting this post done.Has taken me a couple of weeks to think of what to write about then it hit me right between the eyes today ,I will write about eating that frog may motivate a few of you to get in and do that task you hate the most first get it out of your face and out of your head so you can enjoy the rest of the day.Must admit its now the afternoon and I am only just writing this now so was a slow frog to digest.

If anyone would love to see the Eat your Frog , email me at and I will send it to you its great to see.

Now I am off to get my real work done, no not housework,(are you kidding?lol)the enjoyable one I do each day and I love to do so isnt a frog at all its too good to be a frog and thats advertising CTWT easy to swallow and very tasty to do.And I have some awesome friends I do it with so is much more like a scrumptious dessert.
So I encourage you all to swallow your daily frog first thing and have a great day all day long.
Keep smiling till next time.

"If a jobs worth doing its worth doing well"