Thursday, August 6, 2020

Memories of Grief

I've dealt with hard things in my life a child of divorce single parent raised lack of money going without. Single motherhood unwell hubby teenagers thats not easy mental illness within family but the hardest one of all is grief especially when it's someone close to you case it was my eldest child something you never want to deal with or wish on anyone ever but it's a part of life a hard heart wrenching destructive unbelievable grief it was 7 yrs ago last March. she was 28 she had 6 kids 2 older have really felt this even today their emotional mental states have been raw she overdosed the silly girl our hearts broke I was woken by heavy knocking on door at 1.30 am by police telling me she had padded away I feared door knocking for years living in a bus takes that one panic away but the fear of grief is still with me. I never want to have that pain again Once I was afraid of death now I'm not it's just grief that scares me as I know how hard that is to move thru the pain is all encompassing you can't sleep you wake in shock when you do get to shut your eyes . I had no choice but to keep doing normal things I had her 6 kids to care for . to take to school to shop to just keep breathing and I sobbed while driving while waiting in the car when showering every part of my life held me in grief but one thing I could do was keep breathing ..I did it deeply often and I kept going it's all any of us can do when in that place . The aftermath wasn't easy fortunately my 2nd daughter my rock organised everything Her ashes are with me still. I hope to have jewellery made one day for her babies. I think of her with love after I got thru disappointment and anger... I'm dealing with teens I'm angry about that as teen years are not easy as you all know and even more when there is mental issues for 2 off then to deal with. And I still have those crying days. for those dealing with grief breath deeply and often cry as long and as much as you need to your grief is your own your grief time is your own. Talk about them as much as you want to get support just keep going and live life to the fullest one day someone will grieve for you but make happy memories for them to remember thru their grief lots of love Nelly

Thursday, March 5, 2009

And Time Flies once again.

Doesnt it tho?And once you get sick and get better then go away then get sick (thanks kids see they do share sometimes)time flies and you realise that your last post was weeks ago.
So I had better remedy that now and let you know whats been going on with my life.

What else is new with me? Well I can now add lyricist/songwriter to my list of things I can do.So excited my very first set of lyrics have been put to music and will be put on country radio in the USA starting this month.If you would like a peek (be warned its country and may not be your thing) go to I have another one being worked on now that I am rally excited about.If you love country join me here at

Oh yere and how can I forget I have a new grandson born on the 5th March 2009 I cant wait to see him I just love babies.

Well thats it for me....

Best wishes till next time and may it not be so long.

Monday, January 26, 2009

And for something different

I thought I would share my holiday pictures with you.I have to say it was the worst camping trip Id been on since my honeymoon but thats another story lol.Anyway we traveled over 8 hours to get to a place that was in the middle of no where well it was near the beach and the beach was nice but was a bit of a walk for the kids over hot sand and so was the loo,(outhouse toilet lol) which didnt worry me as the bush will do but I have a 5 yr old princess that just couldnt go the bush like the rest of us. The biteys that attacked werent much fun either,march flys attack regularly and when you get one their relatives decide to come and attack for revenge.But I survived and can laugh about it now tho as you can tell it wasnt a holiday I enjoyed.I managed to escape after 13 days the big boys stayed 3.5 weeks.They managed 4 fish in 3.5 weeks that was pretty sad dont you think?My hubby wasnt impressed.Well even tho I hated the holiday there was some good things that happened.We got to see turtles laying eggs.We got to get a bit of a tan(my legs arent so lily white now) and I got to do a bit of shopping isnt that what all girls need lol.Oh yere after no sleep due to the high humidity we ended up with heavy rain and wind and wet everything.LOL Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Have You Eaten Your Frog Today?

EWWWW sounds gross aye?Well I thought that as well when I first saw my email.Couldnt resist looking of course coz I am a natural born sticky beak (that is nosey, apparenty sticky beak is what us Aussies say)
Anyway once I read what it meant I got the idea and its so true.
Your frog and my frog that should be eaten first in the day is...................

that job/chore thats on your list the one you hate the most the one you procrastinate over the longest.Its the one you know will bug you till its done.

My frog today was waxing my legs doesn't really hurt but takes a bit of effort to get around to doing it but man does it feel good when you are done.

I can then move on to the smaller frog (more a toad really) is usually my housework.A friendrecently told me that a "Clean house is a sign of a broken Computer".So now you know what my house looks like lol just dont tell my husband or my computer might have an accident
But its such a thankless task especially when you have little children running around.Well thats my excuse and I am sticking to it.

My 3rd frog was getting this post done.Has taken me a couple of weeks to think of what to write about then it hit me right between the eyes today ,I will write about eating that frog may motivate a few of you to get in and do that task you hate the most first get it out of your face and out of your head so you can enjoy the rest of the day.Must admit its now the afternoon and I am only just writing this now so was a slow frog to digest.

If anyone would love to see the Eat your Frog , email me at and I will send it to you its great to see.

Now I am off to get my real work done, no not housework,(are you kidding?lol)the enjoyable one I do each day and I love to do so isnt a frog at all its too good to be a frog and thats advertising CTWT easy to swallow and very tasty to do.And I have some awesome friends I do it with so is much more like a scrumptious dessert.
So I encourage you all to swallow your daily frog first thing and have a great day all day long.
Keep smiling till next time.

"If a jobs worth doing its worth doing well"

Sunday, November 23, 2008

There's No Such Thing As Can't

Well I believe that the saying "I can't" is used for people who are saying "I dont really want to" because if you want something or want to do something bad enough you will always find a way because as we all know anything is possible.The old saying I love to use is "Where theres a will theres a way"!

Why did I decide to start my post this way? Because I see so many people make excuses of why the "cant". I can't afford that.I can't do that its too hard.I not smart enough so I cant My partner doesnt support me I cant do it.I had a rotten childhood I cant do that.I'm not smart I cant do it.Bla bla bla.

Imagine if the person in this story following said I CAN'T where would he be?

and then look at the following video's
and tell me that theres such a thing as I cant!

Now is that an "I cant man"? Definatly not.Never quit, never give up ,never say I can't!

This applys to everything in our life.We all have ups and downs but to never quit and to really try you CAN do anything.

I am so lucky to belong to a group of people who are of the "I can" types.We are making a difference to our own lives and to others.Some of us have never done anything online and are learning.They arent sitting there saying I cant they are saying show me how, I can do this let me learn.I can change how my life is how my future will be.

Come and see my team join us and we will show you that you can do anything IF you really and truly want to.

So people lets say "I CAN" lifes too short for "I Cant's".I Can't is an excuse for I dont really want to.The world is your oyster don't waste it if you say "I CAN, YOU WILL"!


Do what you have always done and get what you have always got!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Where does the time go?

Its been that long since I was here I nearly forgot my way back.Only joking its just that time goes so fast.Feels like yesterday I was still in school and now I have grandkids around my feet.

So what have I been doing with myself?

Well same old same old as most mums do like the dishes the washing the cleaning ( on occassion)and tidying etc etc

I have also been busy with kids and their dance classes, which thankfully are finally over for the year as we had their concert last night.They were so cute and not one bit worried about being seen by 100s of people.Wish I could be like that.

I have joined a couple of new things just for the fun of it will tell you about them soon.

Mostly what I have been doing, and it goes without saying, is I have been promoting my favourite business CTWT its the best thing I have ever been in and I would love to have more people see what we have and what we do.I have made some great friends since I joined CTWT that we intend to meet up as soon as we all can.Most likely at the convention in Salt Lake City next year.

I want to share a poem (well sad excuse but was fun) about CTWT that I wrote in a moment of boredom.
When all our dreams seemed dead.
A thought came to Ricks head.
Lets create a team
And recreate the dream
So CTWT was born
Rick started a fresh new dawn
With people from worldwide
Standing by his side
They knew theyd be in clover
And there poor days would be over
If they stuck together
And got the word out there

So here we are today
Our dreams not far away
With friends and hopes we dream
Coz we are now joined in a team
From all corners of the earth
From USA to Perth
We play and laugh and learn
Big dollars we wll earn

All we do is smile
and advertsie awhile
Keep our spirits up
And slightly run amuck ( thats for all the mischeif makers you know who you are LOL )
Pay it forward to others and help who we can
We will be happy right down to the last man

So Let us not forget
So we dont regret
FOCUS is the key
to our prosperity

Told you it was silly but when boredom strikes you gotta do something.

Anyway check out a few of the new advertsing places I am using at the moment.Am ttesting them out so ask me what I think.

Unlimited, free, business opportunity leads for any business

May be of interest maybe not but least you can have a look.

Would love you to leave me a comment,hope its a nice one.

In the meantime keep smiling and stay focused in what you do now but most of all never lose site of your dream.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Scams and Scammers!!

How do these scammers live with themselves?Really is it a joke to them that people who are in a desperate situation believes them and may invest some of the little cash that they may have in what the scammers are promoting?

I am not too needy but like to make extra dollars just like the next person,I want to be able to help others.
So whats gotten me all fired up?
Well commercebarter is the newest one promising thousands for nothing until you go to withdraw what you think you have earnt then you find out you have to pay $100 first.Does anyone get paid?I doubt it,Sadly I got sucked in BUT least it didnt cost me a cent and if I hear that they are paying I will apologise.LOL

Another scam that I got caught up in (yes I am a slow learner) was with did lose $50 but thats life but they said I had rotated $over $9000 and could withdraw so I asked for $8000 and left the rest.Whats happened since ? zip zero nuthing at all surprise, surprise! LOL well I am learning.
Lets hope these ones get caught.What I dont get either is why they dont get caught and stopped when valid businesses are closed with no warning by the powers that be and then have to fight there way through court to win back what was taken.I am of course talking about ASD an advertisng company that was really actually paying and was working for thousands.I still have high hopes they will be back better than ever.
I seriously dont get it tho.I am in some great money makers that have,do and will pay so why cant we all just be honest?No ones needs to scam!!

What has worked for me is Ezwealthsolutions am in profit which is what we aim for as online marketers.
In the way of advertising money makers I am in MegaLido and 8dailyforever both pay well and I have recieved money in both and I am very happy with them.
I was (and I suppose still am ) in a cash gifting one which I have done well with I am no longer promoting it as many people dont approve of this type of money making system.

I am also at a social adverting site called QYAO its a weird place to get used to but you actually do make money as you do at First-Zone I have money waiting to be withdrawn in both places they havnt cost me much for the returns.Will I get paid well I believe so ,have heard it does pay out so will let you know.

I will continue to dabble with online opportunities and I will win some and lose some ( I hope not many) but it is fun to do and you meet some interesting people while you do it.

Of course my main online focus that I love and believe in is CTWT I have been fortunate enough to be asked to join this and I really think if people took one good look at it they would also join.Its great to be involved with something that is real has real people and its really a no brainer, isnt hard to do and the benefits you get being involved is tremendous.I hope that you also take a look as this really is too good to miss out on.

Anyway lets hope the scammers are caught or better still scammed themselves so they know its not funny to rip people off .

In the meantime lets keep smiling just because we can and being alive is worth smiling about.

" Failure is not that bad. What is bad is not to try."--- Author Unknown