Thursday, March 5, 2009

And Time Flies once again.

Doesnt it tho?And once you get sick and get better then go away then get sick (thanks kids see they do share sometimes)time flies and you realise that your last post was weeks ago.
So I had better remedy that now and let you know whats been going on with my life.

What else is new with me? Well I can now add lyricist/songwriter to my list of things I can do.So excited my very first set of lyrics have been put to music and will be put on country radio in the USA starting this month.If you would like a peek (be warned its country and may not be your thing) go to I have another one being worked on now that I am rally excited about.If you love country join me here at

Oh yere and how can I forget I have a new grandson born on the 5th March 2009 I cant wait to see him I just love babies.

Well thats it for me....

Best wishes till next time and may it not be so long.

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