I thought I would share my holiday pictures with you.I have to say it was the worst camping trip Id been on since my honeymoon but thats another story lol.Anyway we traveled over 8 hours to get to a place that was in the middle of no where well it was near the beach and the beach was nice but was a bit of a walk for the kids over hot sand and so was the loo,(outhouse toilet lol) which didnt worry me as the bush will do but I have a 5 yr old princess that just couldnt go the bush like the rest of us. The biteys that attacked werent much fun either,march flys attack regularly and when you get one their relatives decide to come and attack for revenge.But I survived and can laugh about it now tho as you can tell it wasnt a holiday I enjoyed.I managed to escape after 13 days the big boys stayed 3.5 weeks.They managed 4 fish in 3.5 weeks that was pretty sad dont you think?My hubby wasnt impressed.Well even tho I hated the holiday there was some good things that happened.We got to see turtles laying eggs.We got to get a bit of a tan(my legs arent so lily white now) and I got to do a bit of shopping isnt that what all girls need lol.Oh yere after no sleep due to the high humidity we ended up with heavy rain and wind and wet everything.LOL Anyway I hope you enjoy.
Reach Beyond Your Expections!
15 years ago
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